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Eurojuris Belgium Initiates Practice Groups

Eurojuris Belgium Initiates Practice Groups

At the occasion of their yearly assembly, lawyers from EJ Belgium initiated an inspiring idea that can easily spread across the network : practice groups, based on the model of EJ International.

One April afternoon spent in military barracks – sound austere and dreadful ? Quite the opposite actually. Bronze plaques honoring Kings and Queens of Belgium, marble columns, velvet curtains, old pictures of officers wearing medals and fancy moustaches, shining cavalry blades... Halfway between the Belgian Parliament and the famous, lush Palace of Justice of Brussels, the Prince Albert Building may be a former military building but it is now one of the most elegant venues of the historical district of law and justice in the country. And this is where Eurojuris Belgium made an especially interesting decision.

« There are lots of lawyer networks », says Nicolas Petit, an EJ member from Verviers in Eastern Wallonia, « But they are little more than a logo on paper. Here at Eurojuris we meet a lot and exchange information, that's the whole difference ». In the building today are gathered dozens of Belgian Eurojuris members. At the occasion of the yearly general assembly, EJ Belgium devised a new initiative : practice groups.

« Thanks to the group, we can compare and learn ».

The President, Yves Daenen explains that this decision was inspired by existing practice groups throughout European level and a few other countries. Here in Brussels, a local EJ chapter has begun to do the same. In small groups of half a dozen lawyers, they spend an hour in little conference rooms around the building. Let's take a look at one of them : Sabien Lemiegre (from Brussels) and Philippe Lévy (from Liège), initiated a group about corporate law and patrimonial law. Mr Lévy explains why : « Aspects of patrimonial law overflow into commercial law because couples often become associates or business partners. But divorce lawyers are not necessarily competent in commercial law and vice-versa, so we need to exchange our knowledge ». 

« I took part in a similar group at Eurojuris international », explains Mrs Lemiegre « and it inspired me. Also, in my cabinet, I see more and more conflicts in family law so I thought a practice group would be helpful ». The group spent time sharing their experiences – at some point Sabien and Philippe compared two similar cases in different courts which met different interpretations : « Thanks to the group, we can compare and learn about it ».

Back to the main conference room, the group chairmen and chairwomen make a first report. Enthusiasm prevails. Xavier Ibarrondo, an EJ member from Nivelles in Central Wallonia, says in his group it was interesting to work on the topic of daily works. « We decided to meet twice a year », he says, « We have exchanged e-mails and decided the next date already ». The chair of another group, Fabienne Legrand, from the Flemish city of Leuven, says her group has also scheduled another reunion, and the good ambience is obvious : « We have chosen to meet in a beautiful law firm, and there will be sandwiches for all », she says with a little laugh. After a while, everyone leaves the building and goes into the city center for a gastronomic tour of Brussels, leaving the old barracks behind them, which almost certainly don't seem quite so austere anymore.

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